Wednesday, June 8, 2016

6/8/16 Being sick and blessings!!

Hola mis amigos,

Well this last week was one that has taught me how to just keep on pushing. Elder Petersen and I have been fighing colds off and on through the two transfers we have been together. However this last week the colds got up with us. We had a few days where we just felt like we got hit by trains and spent most of the day sleeping trying to get enough energy to work. Along with that Elder Petersen decided that he was going to get a stomach bug or something nasty like that, and basically died for a two days. So in all we had a fun week full of naps and feeling like dying. 

We have had a few investigators that have been doing better. I have mentioned the good old Pedro before, and he is just about to get out of the Hostpital!!!! If you remember that means he is going to get baptized. Pedro has the most faith ever. He has been in the Hospital for over 9 months. He broke his leg, it healed, and then he broke is femur in the other leg. I believe God just knew if he stayed in the Hospital he would have no other choice but to listen to us. Haha Pedro does like to have us come I promise. Along with Pedro we have Luis. He is 17 and is about to turn 18. This is going to be a really cool day because he will be getting baptized then as well. Right now his parents arent letting him get baptized, but after he turns 18 boom goes the dynamite...Baptism!!! 

Then this Sunday we had Fast and Testimony meeting. One of the Hermanas in the branch gave her testimony. Her name is Hermana Sara and she is from Bolivia which is cool because Papa Saunders served in Bolivia. She talked about how she gave everything up for school, including the church. Right when I got to Calafate she was super depressed because all the schooling because of legal issues didnt count. I dont really know how this works, but Argentina kinda messed with her. Anyways she asked for a blessing, and well in my broken Spanish of being in Argentina for two weeks gave her my first blessing. She then talked about how after that her life changed. 

I know that this church is true. The Priesthood is powerful. The Scriptures are the words of God, and we have them in our hands. I know that we dont always see the small blessings from our service, but I am grateful that I was able to see the blessings from Hermana Sara. I love Gospel of Jesus Christ. I challenge all of you as well as myself to study just a little more of what "The Gospel of Christ" really means. I love you lots and I yes this last week was hard, but that is the mission. Do the simple things like Prayer, Reading, and Going to Church. These will bring the most happiness in your life!!! 

Con Amor,

Elder Saunders 

See it. Feel it. Trust it.

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